Saturday, December 20, 2008

Shareorism, Funny-looking Pancakes, Buttons, and other Saturday Morning Concerns

This morning, I woke up to the word "pancakes," and boy was I excited! I make some pretty yummy damn pancakes with soymilk and bisquick. So while Dick was in the shower, I made breakfast and drank coffee. Alfred was meowing a lot.

At the breakfast nook, we had a conversation about naming dogs. 1304 might be welcoming a new member in the next couple of months, and I want to name hir Buttons (Bu'•'ins). Objections abound.

"Don't you want a name that expresses more than 'cute?'"
"Cute and ferocious."

So we came up with some alternatives:
Blood Wedding
Serial Killer

Then we discussed regal names:
Oliver Cromwell

Popular/classic literary figures:
Tom Stoppard
Annie Proulx
Herman Melville

Theory of General Relativity
Nature Vs. Nuture
Fibonacci Code

Suffice it to say, instead of inventing solutions, we complicated the matter. I think I'm going to stick to my original idea, traditional fabric patterns:

Finally, I shareor-jacked Dick's car and drove her to work.

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