Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bourbon or Making Out: You Decide, Part 2.

Okay, Bruce. You obviously are clueless.

Let's pose the question slightly differently:

Should you be stranded in life, stripped of everything except bourbon or making out (with another person), which would you choose? Which of these would get you awake in the morning?

Even the world's greatest bourbon is not half so good a reason to get out of bed as a make-out session might be. Perhaps you're just no good as a makers-out.


Michael Espinoza said...

I would still choose Bourbon.

If the question was: "Which are you better at, making out or drinking bourbon?" The answer would be making out.

I'm making a choice where there's room for improvement.

Michael Espinoza said...

Incidentally, "Maker's Mark" is a bourbon worth waking up for. At noon.