Monday, May 4, 2009


"... I've been loving you-ooouu-oouu for so long, I don't wanna stop nowwwwww..."

I've driven back and forth from south of town and College Place and back a lot in the past few days, always with Seal's latest album on the stereo. Thinking a good deal about the upcoming move, describing to anyone who'll listen my fascist tendencies.

Fascism being my term for pure, unadulterated self-interest. For not wanting to be accountable to anyone else, even my best friend. Barely to myself.

And the top of my list of New Year's Resolutions was: "learn to love better".

Friday, May 1, 2009

Getting Laid?

Good on ya.

I think I just realized the implications of a serious attempt to "cultivate friendship" until next Spring.