Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fear and Loathing in Troubled Economic Times

Maybe I listen to the radio too much, but this economic downturn business scares me. I have two paying jobs and a very low cost of living, but still, on the eve of my first student loan payment, I'm worried about my ability to make consistent payments until 2018 (the scheduled last loan payment), worried about the reliability of my little car, the long-term security of my housing, worried about taking on more loans for living and education through grad school...

These are the fears that keep me from sleeping so well. The future is approaching at an awesome pace, and I could be one of its victims.

So, as a result, as a resolutionist by nature, I am going forward with the intellectual problem of confronting fear, either by action or attitude.

I mentioned to a friend (more downtrodden than I can understand) that there is an infinite amount of joy in the world, and that we are charged to embrace it. My fear stems from a lack of faith in this principle of joy.

The apocalypse is much more frightening at its approach than it is from the safety of ivory tower conjecture.

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