Thursday, October 11, 2012

So, the sexuality question...

At first, I wasn't sure what you meant entirely.

But I'm seeing that there's certain cultural norms and contexts that inform our sexualities-- or, that sexuality can't happen in a vacuum. Can it be winnowed down to an essential that is independent of context?

Right now, I don't think so. But... I'm willing to change my mind if I determine that my sexuality is independent of context.

Do you think we were engaging in what you'd call rural sexualities?
How could we classify that?

Not dating women well?
Craigslist dates?
Whiskey instead of making out?
Sex where there's dirt?
Hooking up with the wrong people?

Remember when I told you I'd never make babies with anyone from Walla Walla because
  1. I don't necessarily want to make babies
  2. the Walla Walla gene pool is a little-- [insert word for "everybody's cousins" here]?

So, sexuality in this context?
It's become more physical for me in certain, mundane ways. I get looked at in the street because I'm brown-haired, blue-eyed, and I don't carry myself like most women here. My clothing is different enough that I stand out, even though I've tried to model my dress after the fashion here.
I wear rings on my Apollo fingers, earrings from Erich, a watch from Nina and Andreas, and a bracelet from my Uncle Phil and Auntie Marianna. This is my regular weight of metal anymore. This has changed the way that I create hand gestures, make explanations, and write. These things about my body certainly impact others' perception of my sexuality, and I believe that they impact my own sense of it.

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