Monday, September 3, 2012

Fragments, Epiphanies

First, I am grateful and glad to be sharing this space with you, Favorite Hipster of Mine.

You'll know I'm working on another, quite diurnal (see Latin relation to journal) blog. I have considered how to format my space here so that I'm not repeating myself unless that process proves useful.

If you remember, at 1304 I was not only collecting Agatha Christie but also immersing myself in James Joyce's Stephen Hero and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. In these, I found 'the epiphany'-- an event that I had really only experienced before in terms of the Catholic holiday.

I won't get into too much detail yet, but I want to note know that after these few years, I'm developing an issue with idea of epiphany as discrete event instead of process. But we'll see-- perhaps in doing a more in-depth, long-term study of the concept and its occurrence in my experiences, I'll find out something contrary to my expectations.

Last, I want to remind the audience that I'm not a dirty or self-righteous hippie.

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