Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome Back

We've come a long way since then.

We were mostly single then, you were flirting with that guy with the rosy cheeks and I was dating that blonde kid with the skinny neck. Now we are in some pretty solid relationships (beyond the friendship which we both already enjoy). We were trying to take in the European new wave oeuvre film-by-film. We had a mountain of cable. We co-owned a Christmas tree. We had adjacent bedrooms. I sat on a stool a lot and played some sort of game. I loved my job. You had just started collecting Agatha Christie novels. We cooked.

Now, we're both moving somewhere else within the span of a month. We are uncertain about tomorrow, by which I mean tomorrow, tomorrow. You have two cats and I have three plants. They are all alive. We have lovers well-known by our families. The future is uncertain.

Perhaps it was better then because we weren't looking so straight-forward as we are now. A lot is in question but a lot is locked-in now, so our path has definitions but is as of yet uncertain.

I will be sure to take many pictures so I can show them to you. I will be frequent. All I ask from you is that you tell it as you feel it: don't save up a story, be immediate and I will do the same. We will enjoy a revolution and it started at 1304.

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