Thursday, April 2, 2009

So that you may always know everything: Twitter

Let it be said that I was recently interested in a certain event for which television coverage may never exist.

If you want to know more about the event, go here (NSFW)* to find out. Suffice it to say that the event, while mainstream in its own discipline, is not generally mainstream.

The most useful tool for getting minute-to-minute updates, the whole weekend, were up-to-the-moment tweets from "journalists" at the event. I felt so very there. I learned from blogs and other sites about certain attitudes and biases, and I saw them all in action. And then the live stream. And the tweets. And instant google searches for images and video (done on the iPhone), I was there.

The existence of information and a location for that information have separated. They are considering divorce.

*(I have never used this particular acronym, and it makes me wonder [upon encountering it many times last weekend] who would be reading blogs about the adult industry and its stars and events at work. Here's another interesting item on a related topic.)

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